Welcome to Shopper Approved! In this article you will find information on our best practices and how to implement them to get the most out of your Shopper Approved service. We will also review survey settings, how to manage reviews, and where you will find those reviews online.
Adding and removing users and setting up their email notifications
This is where you will be able to add staff accounts with an explanation of the different types of staff members that our system has.
Adding "About Us" content and uploading your logo
We recommend adding an about us section as well as a logo so that it appears on your Shopper Approved reviews certificate page and on your the surveys we send to your clients.
Survey Settings
Here you will find where you can remove, add, or change questions that are asked on both the checkout (initial) survey as well as the post-fulfillment (full) survey that gets emailed to your clients.
Using a Product Link
In some instances, such as product giveaways on social media, where you are needing a client to leave a product review and not a merchant review we offer a product link that can be sent out. This article explains where to find it and how to use it.
Managing reviews via the Review Actions menu
In this section, we will review how to manage the reviews you have received. Such as making a company response, contacting the customer directly, submitting a review for removal, as well marking orders as cancelled.
Where do my reviews display online?
This article discusses where to find Google's requirements to see your stars in organic searches and paid advertisements as well as when those requirements are met and how they will be seen in Google.
Using our help center
If you ever have trouble with your account, this article discusses how to use our help center as well as our bot chat system.