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How to Collect Video Reviews

This article explains what video reviews are and how to collect them with Shopper Approved.

Updated yesterday

What are Video Reviews?

Video Reviews are available for all clients who collect reviews with Shopper Approved. A Video Review is a review of your online store or product left by one of your happy customers in the form of a video rather than a written review. Video Reviews are great user-generated content optimized for search results. Once approved, these videos are posted automatically to your Shopper Approved certificate page and can be syndicated to your YouTube channel. Video Reviews are the #1 most watched videos on YouTube and Google prominently displays them in search results.

How are Video Reviews collected?

Only customers who have left you a 4- or 5-star rating will receive a Video Review request. The invitation for the Video Review will appear right after the customer has completed the post-fulfillment (full) survey. Since the Video Review invitation appears after customers have completed the post-fulfillment (full) survey you can incentivize customers to leave Video Reviews. We highly recommend that you generously incentivize Video Reviews to collect as many as possible.

Once a Video Review has been collected you'll be able to review it inside the Shopper Approved dashboard for approval before it's displayed anywhere publicly. Approved Video Reviews will be published to your Shopper Approved certificate page and syndicated to YouTube if you've enabled YouTube syndication.

Here's an example of how approved Video Reviews appear on the certificate page.

Here is an example of a Video Review in organic search results via Shopper Approved YouTube syndication.

How to enable Video Reviews

You can locate your Video Review settings by logging into the Shopper Approved dashboard and going to (top-left menu > Video Reviews > Incentives & Options).

Step 1: Video Collection Method

We recommend selecting both collection methods:

  • Display video page immediately after they've completed the Full Survey.

  • Send a separate follow up email after the Full Survey.

By selecting both options the customer has the ability to leave a Video Review right away, or later by sending a separate email. For example, if the customer isn't ready to record a Video Review immediately after they complete the post-fulfillment (full) survey, sending a separate email gives the customer the ability to go back and record a Video Review when they're ready.

You can also click on the "Preview Video Reviews Page" link to see what the video review prompt looks like. If desired, you can also customize the follow-up email option by clicking on the "click here to customize your email" link pictured below.

Once you've selected a collection method video reviews are active and your customers will begin receiving invitations after the post-fulfillment (full) survey has been completed.

Step 2: Create Your Incentive

It's not required to incentivize Video Reviews, but it's highly encouraged to get a higher conversion rate for Video Reviews. If you choose to incentivize, you'll select "Yes" under step 2 and enter your incentive details. If you choose not to incentivize, you'll select "No". You can always come back and create an incentive later.

If you choose to incentivize you'll be asked to enter an incentive amount (monetary amount, or percentage), or a description of the incentive. There are also different delivery options you can choose from:

  • One Discount Code (recommended)

    • The most common option and the easiest to set up by creating a discount code for your website specifically for Video Reviews and entering it into the field shown above. From there, once customers submit their Video Review they'll be presented with the discount code to use towards a future purchase.

  • Bulk Discount Codes

    • Is an option for entering multiple discount codes. These are supposed to be removed from our system as they are used, however, it is your responsibility to verify your discount codes are removed.

  • Redirect URL

    • A link to a page on your website where customers can claim their gift.

  • Email

    • A manual email that you send to customers to claim their gift. Please note that the email will not be sent through our system. Once it is emailed, you can check this box next to the video review to keep track:

Below is an example of what the Video Review prompt looks like with no incentives.

Here is an example of a Video Review prompt with incentives.

Approving Video Reviews

Video Reviews are managed by going to (top-left menu > Video Reviews > Manage Video Reviews).

Here you'll be able to "Approve" or "Decline" a Video Review once it's been collected. Approved videos will be displayed on your Shopper Approved certificate page and syndicated to YouTube if enabled. If you reject a Video Review, nothing will happen but it will still remain in your list of Video Reviews in the dashboard.

If desired, you can download your Video Video reviews and upload them to your website, share them on social media, or use them in a marketing campaign.

YouTube Syndication

YouTube syndication is a feature that allows you to share your YouTube videos on other websites and platforms. This can help increase the reach of your videos and attract more viewers. Please follow this article for help on enabling YouTube syndication.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our dedicated support team at [email protected].

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