We have several features available within our platform!
Seller Reviews
See here for more information on how we collect seller reviews.
Product Reviews
See here for more information on how we collect product reviews.
Video Reviews
See here for more information on how we collect video reviews.
Social Evidence
Social Evidence is a feature that will allow you to have pop-up discounts, display visitor count, how many people have purchased in the last number x days, and your Shopper Approved reviews.
Q&A via Answerbase is one of the greatest SEO tools we offer. This will help your site appear in Google results if anyone asks the same question as a customer on your site.
AI-driven Q&A can auto-generate Q&A content from product information from across the web. It will read through your product details and then the Q&A tool will auto-generate the questions and answers to your dashboard to get you a base of content with commonly asked questions about similar items.
It will also automatically optimize the Q&As so that the phrases used most commonly in Google are worked within the Q&A tool. This will help your site appear in Google results if anyone asks the same question as a customer on your site.
Review Destinations
Review Destinations is a feature that allows you to redirect a percentage of your customers on their full survey from our site to other platforms like Google Business, BBB, etc; helping you manage your overall online reputation in various places.
Trust Guard
TrustGuard scans and verifies website security vulnerabilities and the Trust Seals are specifically designed to show client’s customers that your website is safe and secure. This also includes PCI scanning, Malware scanning, SSL scanning, and dark web protection.
NPS (Net Promoter Score)
NPS is a score that lets a company know their customer’s overall experience. (Note that the NPS survey is a link separate from our post-fulfillment email).
Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in any of our products.