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How to use our API
Brittnee Tensmeyer avatar
Written by Brittnee Tensmeyer
Updated over a week ago

The Shopper Approved API can be used to pull review data from Shopper Approved. Typically, this would entail pulling the reviews from our platform and storing them in a database on your server so that you can pull the reviews into widgets without needing to use the Shopper Approved scripts. This can speed up the review load speeds as they do not need to wait for the connection to Shopper Approved to be made.

Our API documentation

Please see below for further information on each API call. All API calls will require the following parameters:

Site ID - The site id that you want to pull reviews from
API token - The API token from the site you want to pull reviews from

These are found under your name> Settings:

What data is returned?

  • Review ID

  • Date of review

  • Name of reviewer

  • Product ID

  • Review rating

  • Review comment

  • Attached media (such as an image uploaded by a customer)


  1. Fetch a number of reviews

    This API call is used to pull the complete reviews from a certain time. The documentation provides details on all of the parameters available, but here are the important ones:
    from - Without specifying this parameter, it will default to only pulling reviews from the last 30 days
    limit - Specifies how many reviews to pull per page
    page - Specifies the range of reviews based on the ‘limit’ parameter. For example, setting a limit of 100 and a page of 1 will pull the range of reviews 101-201

  2. Create a new review entry

    This API call is used to pass us order information if you are unable to use the initial survey. It will add the order info to our system so that we can follow-up with a customer at a specified date in order to collect a full review with a product review if applicable. Important fields:
    name - The customer’s name. If this is not passed it will be saved as an anonymous customer
    orderid - The order ID from your system. This must be unique to each order
    products - A comma-separated list of product IDs that were purchased. This should match the IDs that you pass us in your product feed. For example ‘product1,product2,product3’. This is required if you want us to collect a product review
    email - The email of the customer that you would like us to follow up with. Should be either the billing or shipping email address
    followup - This is the date that you want us to send the follow-up email to the customer. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format (ex 2022-01-31)

  3. Fetch a single review

    This API call is used to pull a specific review using the order id. Important fields:
    reviewid - This should contain the order id of the review

  4. Update or cancel a review

    This API call can be used to either change the follow-up date of a review or to mark a review as cancelled in our system. Please note that you can not adjust the follow-up and cancel a review all at once. Important fields:
    reviewid - Pass the order ID that matches what came through from your thank you page
    followup - This should contain the new follow-up date. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format (ex 2022-01-31)
    cancel - Pass a 1 if you would like to mark a review as cancelled

  5. Fetch aggregate statistics for your site

    Using your site id and token, you can pull a list of statistics for your site.


  1. Fetches product reviews

    This API call is used to pull the complete product reviews from a certain time. Important fields:
    from - Without specifying this parameter, it will default to only pulling reviews from the last 30 days
    limit - Specifies how many reviews to pull per page
    page - Specifies the range of reviews based on the ‘limit’ parameter. For example, setting a limit of 100 and a page of 1 will pull the range of reviews 101-201

  2. Fetch reviews for a given product or parent ID

    This API call will pull back all of the reviews using either the product or parent ID. Important fields:
    productid: This should contain the product or parent ID and should match up with the values that you have provided in your product feed to us. If you use the parent ID, it will return all of the reviews for all of the products with a matching parent ID
    limit - Specifies how many reviews to pull per page
    page - Specifies the range of reviews based on the ‘limit’ parameter. For example, setting a limit of 100 and a page of 1 will pull the range of reviews 101-201
    from - Without specifying this parameter, it will default to only pulling reviews from the last 30 days

  3. Fetch aggregate product statistics for your site

    This will return a list of the total amount of product reviews that you have and also return a list of all of the products and their individual review total and rating. Important field:
    by_match_key: Setting this to true will have our system try to group the aggregate information based on group IDs.

  4. Fetch aggregate product statistics for a single product

    This will return the product aggregate information similar to the call above but limited to a single product. Important field:
    productid: This should contain the specific product ID that you want to pull the aggregate data for


The calls in this section are the same as the ones in the merchant and product sections mentioned above.

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