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Social Evidence FAQs
Brittnee Tensmeyer avatar
Written by Brittnee Tensmeyer
Updated over a week ago

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Social Evidence:

Q: Is there is any way to track/prove that the notifications are increasing conversions?

A: No, unfortunately not. The analytics in the Evidence dashboard are limited to number of events and number of visitors, and conversions are not tracked.

Q: Can the conversion notification link to the product that was bought?

A: Yes, but only if the your webhook sends over that information. If a link to the product is included in the webhook info, then a merge field can be created to pull that info into the notification.

Q: Can we do a low-inventory notification?

A: Yes and no. Depending on platform, you can sometimes pull inventory information from the site via webhook, however the notification will display inventory information for all products on every page and not just from the page the notification is on. In order to have product-specific notifications on that product page, you would need to have a campaign for each product. Then in the conversion notification you can add a filter to the source based on the name of the product. This is not feasible for most companies, but is possible for companies with only a few products. However, again, a low-inventory webhook woud have to be available to make it work, which is dependent on platform and site.

Q: Can you choose the order the campaigns show up on your site?

A: Yes and no. Evidence says the campaigns are loaded in alphabetical order, so they will run in the order they are in the app. To choose their order, just put A, B, C, etc at the beginning of the campaign name. However, the Shopper Approved reviews notification seems to take priority no matter what the other campaigns are named. Within campaigns, the notifications can be reordered by dragging and dropping the notification itself where you want it to load. Take a look at the prioritization section in this article:

Q: Can you move the placement of the notification?

A: The settings in Evidence are limited and are just top right, bottom right, top left, and bottom left. However, our programmers can move the notifications as needed.

Q: Any tricks for getting product name to pull through on the conversion notification?

A: Use line_items.title (List) when possible (thought sometimes (List) or other options are available), and pick "Use first Value"

Q: Why aren't my reviews showing?

A: First, make sure the pixel is receiving recent data (updated within 1-2 minutes). Make sure there are no filters preventing it from showing and that if there are, the filter is set to "include" or "exclude" appropriately. Make sure the campaign has been activated and published, and that the source has also been activated. Make sure that in the source, "Reviews" has been selected as the type:

Q: How many events does the dashboard store?

A: It seems to store only the 250 most recent reviews and/or webhook events (total)

Q: Does Visitor Count count visitors for the site as a whole, or individual pages?

A: By default, the Visitor Count is counting the total of visitors on any page the pixel is on. Usually this is the entire site. To have it only count from certain pages, click on the "pages" tab within the VC notification and choose which pages to count visitors from.

For more information, here is Evidence’s FAQ page:

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