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Thank You Page & Product bolt-on Code
Updated over 8 months ago

What is the Thank You Page Code?

The thank you page code is a code snippet placed on the checkout page or order confirmation of your website. Adding this code allows the checkout (initial) survey to automatically pop up at checkout requesting a checkout seller review from customers. Additionally, this code allows our system to automatically send a follow-up email after checkout requesting a post-fulfillment (full) survey review and a product review (if paying for product reviews).

Found under (top-left menu > Setup > Seller Ratings > Copy and paste Initial Survey code on your 'Thank You' page).

Note: when adding the thank you page code make sure you're using the correct site ID and initial survey token. These IDs are unique to your account so it's important to ensure you're using the right data. Keep in mind these should already be added to the thank you page code (see screenshot above). However, you can also locate your Site ID and initial survey token by going to (top-right drop-down on your name > Settings > Domain Information)

What is the Product bolt-on code?

For clients collecting product reviews, the product bolt-on code is added to the checkout page or order confirmation in addition to the thank you page code. Adding this will allow our system to automatically collect product reviews by grabbing the product ID from the checkout page and passing it to our system so we know what item the customer purchased. Without this, Shopper Approved we will not be able to automatically collect product reviews. In addition to the product bolt-on code, we need a product feed imported into our system so we know what products you're selling. Our system will take the ID that's passed to us from checkout and match it to the corresponding product ID on the product feed. This process allows us to request product reviews through the follow-up email sent after checkout.

Found under (top-left menu > Setup > Product Integration > Add the Product Code Snippet to your "Thank You Page")

​How this works

Once the thank you page code and product bolt-on code have been added at checkout, customers will automatically be asked to leave a checkout (initial) seller review at checkout. Once the initial seller review has been collected, based on your account settings, a follow-up email is sent to the customer after checkout requesting a post-fulfillment (full) seller review and a product review for the item they purchased (if paying for product reviews). If you are not collecting product reviews with Shopper Approved, only a full seller review will be requested through the follow-up email. Our follow-up email will request a product review first, then a seller review allowing the customer to re-rate or add any additional comments to what they left on their initial review at the time of checkout.

Auto-populate values

When adding the thank you page code, it's very important to select auto-populate values to ensure we're automatically grabbing the customer's information at checkout. Auto-populating allows us to attach the customer's information to their review and makes it so the customers don't have to manually enter their information on the checkout (initial) survey at checkout. Our recommendation is to auto-populate the following:

  • Order ID

  • Name

  • Email


  • Country

  • State/Province

  • Expected Days to Delivery

Once selected, these parameters will be added as placeholders to the thank you page code snippet. It's important to update these placeholders to be the variables on your website so we are grabbing the appropriate information from each order and attaching it to the customer review:

​How to know if the thank you page and product bolt-on code are working

Once the thank you page code and product bolt-on code have been placed on your site, we recommend placing a test order to ensure everything is working as expected. You can see that the product bolt-on code is working when you see products attached to checkout (initial) seller reviews. If you're not collecting product reviews with us, you can see that the thank you page code is working when you see your test review appear in the dashboard like this:

Found under (top-left menu > Seller Ratings > Manage Seller Ratings).

Note (if collecting product reviews): Once the follow-up email is sent and your first product review is collected, you'll be able to view it by going to (top-left menu > Product Reviews > Manage Product Reviews).


If you've added the thank you page code and/or the product bolt-on code and don't see them working as expected, there are a few things to check:

  • Ensure the code is properly integrated by following the integration documentation here. Note: If only collecting seller reviews, skip the product feed and product bolt-on code sections.

  • If collecting product reviews, make sure you have a product feed uploaded into our system. If there is no product feed, the products will not attach. 

    1. If you have a product feed uploaded, but products are not attaching to initial seller reviews for certain items then they're likely missing from the product feed. In this case, please provide us with an updated product feed so we have all of your products in our system. If you're recently added new products but didn't update the product feed in our system then they will be missing and won't attach. Note: if you're working with an onboarding specialist please contact them for assistance. If you're not in onboarding contact [email protected] for assistance.

  • If all the steps above have been completed, but you're still experiencing issues. Please contact your onboarding specialist for further assistance. If you're not in onboarding, please contact our dedicated support team at s[email protected] for further assistance. We would be happy to help troubleshoot the issue for you.

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